Note: Please do not place terrariums on windowsills

Nerve Plant (Fittonia)

Considered the “king of terrariums” the nerve plant is a very easy to care for. Allow 2-3 hours of morning sun, or all day in a bright room. Mist every 2-3 months with a spray bottle until moss looks dark and hydrated.

Golden, Silver, & N’Joy Pothos

Low light plant that can almost be grown anywhere. Hard to unalive by overwatering. Will be happy in shady places or a corner of a bright room. Mist or pour water in the glass once every 12-14 weeks.


These are considered to be lower humidity and the highest light item we offer. Allow 4-5 hours of morning sun, or all day bright shaded light. Mist every 2-3 months, by using a spray bottle until moss looks dark and hydrated. Allow glass to grow to low humidity between watering.


They live for the brightest sunniest spot they can get. Their white fragrant blooms depend on it. No windowsills but close to a window is great. They love moist soil but dont allow more than a CM to pool at the bottom of your jar at a time. The thirst will increase in the summer. As buds fall off the plant and reach maturity as all flowers do, please remove them and compost them.

Bush on Fire Croton

This plant comes in multiple speckles of color with Yellow dots, red dots, orange dots and so much more. They typically like average humidity and bright light. They are great for near a bright window but not on the windowsil. Water these about every 3 months with a few mists from a bottle.

Calathea (Prayer Plant)

Does well in low to medium light, on a desk or nightstand. Mist with water every 2-3 months (with 5-6 sprays) until moss looks dark and hydrated. This plant can withstand high humidity and over watering. Purple color intensifies in warm months.

Purple Waffle

Very low maintenance and drought tolerant. Plant can tolerate low to high light but does best in medium light with a few hours of morning sun a day. Color of plant changes based on light conditions, the more sun the more vibrant. Mist inside glass evenly evenly every 3-4 months.

Polka Dot Hypothesis

Also a very well known plant for terrariums the polka dot hypothesis likes moderate humidity. It thrives in bright indirect light. Perfect for bright rooms or partial sun. Mist inside glass ever 3-4 months with spray bottle.

Autumn Fern

Low light plant that likes partial to full shade. Mist with water every 2-3 monnths (with 5-6 sprays) until moss looks dark and hydrated. This plant has fuzzy white roots that will sprawl out over the moss as the plant ma

Rabbit Foot Fern

Low to medium light, on a desk or nightstand. Mist with water every 1-2 months (with 5-6 sprays) until moss looks dark and hydrated. This plant has fuzzy white roots that will sprawl out over the moss as the plant matures

SIlver Lace Fern

Loves a bright room area and moist soil. No direct sunlight and mist with water every 2-3 months with 8-12 sprays until moss looks dark, and jelly-like. This plant smells like celery!

Heart Leaf Fern

Loves a medium bright light area and moist soil. No direct sunlight and mist with water every 2-3 months with 8-12 sprays until moss looks dark, and translucent. This plant will start to curl the edges of the leaves when thirsty!

Fluffy Ruffel Fern

Best in medium light area. No direct sunlight required and mist with water every 2-3 months with 7-8 sprays until moss looks dark, and translucent. This plant will start to turn yellow slightly to signal it may need more light.

PVC Ivy (Tree Ivy)

Medium light to shady area appropriate. No direct sunlight and mist with water every 3-4 months with a half cup of water. Mist with sprays if moss looks dry. Moss should be dark green and jelly-like in areas.

Your Terrarium

Disclaimer: These are recommendations, PD does not hold responsibility for any un-alived plants outside of his care.